What sets HomeSec apart from other lenders
Our aim is to save business owners from a crisis, or help them take advantage of an unexpected opportunity by getting them the cash they need in just 24 hours.
We lend off our own balance sheet and we don’t do valuations, which is how we can fund businesses when others can’t, and why we can settle loans in 24 hours from the time of the initial application.
Joint CEO’s Paul Stone and Jason Brockmuller lead a team of highly experienced finance professionals at HomeSec Business Finance. We know the reason the company continues to be so successful is because of our absolute focus on SERVICE. We also pride ourselves on being open and ethical in everything we do.
Our Clients

BUILDERS & TRADIES – It’s amazing how difficult it can be for builders and tradies to get access to business finance. Often it’s because of lumpy or irregular cashflow. Even if they do get approved, they aften have to wait weeks or months for the finance to come through. Thankfully, HomeSec Business Finance is the builders Best friend, by giving them access to large sums of money in just 24 hours.

DENTAL & MEDICAL – HomeSec Business Finance is the instant business finance solution to fund new equipment and rapid expansion. Banks tend to take forever. That’s a major problem when you have a client list a mile long and if you could get $300,000 worth of new equipment installed right now, you could help more patients sooner. This leads to happy patients, and a much better bottom line.
Hopefully now you know more about us, and are ready to take the next step for you and your business by getting in touch with us today. When you check to see if your qualify for a business loan HomeSec, there are no credit checks done until you tell us you want to take the loan. We don’t need to do a credit check in order to approve your application, so your credit score won’t be harmed when you apply for business funding with HomeSec Business Finance.